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A weekly dose of nerd news, from nerds, for everyone.

Oct 2, 2020

Content Conundrums Batman, Is The CW trying to swipe content? HBO can't seem to migrate content to their platform fast enough. Is Amazon's content release schedule too slow? We review The Boys Ep 2 & 3 and Mulan over on Disney+. We also look at some new toy offerings from Funko and Lego. 

Sep 12, 2020

This week, we commemorate the life of Chadwick Boseman and dig into possible scenarios for the MCU. Is Mulan worth the upcharge and is getting picked up by a major podcast distributor worth the hassle? We deliver a definitive release date for the PS5, with pricing. Booster Gold in the Arrowverse, is his time now? (see...

Jul 16, 2020

In this week's show, we ponder whether hiring Joss Whedon is worth the trouble and we take a longing look at the upcoming Neil Gaiman audiobook of Sandman. Stan Lee is (possibly) still churning out hits, even after he's gone and Atari still churning out systems well after their time has come and gone.